Wednesday, September 26, 2018

A Prayer in a Restless Time

August 23

A depression that brings me to my knees.
O God, I cannot see.
O Lord, I have no peace.
I need you here, my Love of Loves.
Humanity has left me empty,
life leaving me wanting more.
My job is unfulfilling,
my home undesirable.
An ache within goes unanswered,
the stirring unheeded.
Lord are you telling me to move?
Then show me the door you want me to go through.
My pacing only distresses me further.
I need a guiding hand,
so here I am.
Lord hear me from my knees.
Hear the voice that cannot utter.
Holy Spirit, rise in me once more.
Move me.
Set me free to dance in your joy.
Remind me the words etched in my skin,
the scar that declares
"for I know who holds tomorrow."
My life, my journey,
is in your hands.
Where do you want me to be?

This prayer poem was written about two weeks before I lost my job. I knew things were coming to a close but I didn't know when. 
But I act in faith. God is faithful to provide. I am secure in whatever he has in store for me.