Monday, April 25, 2016

Fighting For You

Inside your mother's womb, fragile and small,
You awaited the days ahead.
Growing up, starting to walk, to speak, to run,
You learned the joys of life.
When dangers would dare to oppress your future,
I was there fighting for you.

A child turned teen, struggling with social pressures,
Facing the troubles of a new kind.
It seemed that so many ideas and authorities
Pulled you too many directions.
You were still so young,
Continuing to grow, to learn,
But mistakes and cruelty filled your days,
Combating your mind, your heart, your soul.
When insecurity over who you were and fear made you doubt,
I was there fighting for you.

A youthful adult now, stepping out into the world,
Learning to hope once more.
But even then enemies found you, new bonds left shattered,
You were broken and betrayed, lost and alone.
You were battling shadows, traditions, rules, thoughts.
Your tears inside and out counted more than the raindrops in a storm.
No matter where you turned, no matter what or who you gained,
One by one it's been stolen from you.
And every time you get back up,
Something knocks you down again.
Even in your darkest hours,
I have been there fighting for you.

I have always been fighting for you.
My enemies surrounded me, My people surrounded Me,
But I was alone.
I too was betrayed.
I was sold, beaten, insulted, laughed at.
I was tortured and left to die.
Even then I was fighting for you.
I never backed down before demons or human rulers.
I told the truth and listened to those who spoke to Me.
I cared for all, the rich, the poor, the majority and minority alike.
I fought for them. I fought for you.
To the doorway of Death and beyond I fought for you.
I died and fought Death to live again, for you.
I returned home to prepare a place for you.
I move throughout the world,
Not just simply watching.
When you cannot fight,
I do.
When you are powerless,
I am not.
When you are alone,
I am there.
Your strength is of Mine.
Your prayers are Mine.
Your gifts are from Me.
Your love is of Mine.
Why do you doubt?
Why do you hesitate?
Do not be afraid.
Let Me lead.
Stop fighting Me.
Stop fighting people.
It is time to fight the real enemy.
The darkness that laughs,
The whispers that degrade,
The heart that hates others,
The evil within, the evil without.
Sin is your enemy.
You must let Me fight it.
I always win when you let Me lead.
But as long as this earth remains,
The battle is constant.
I can save you, but if you take charge again,
You have to turn back and let Me lead again.
Don't fight Me.
I died. For you.
I rose. For you.
I fought for you.
I am fighting for you in a new way now.
And as you continue to choose Me,
I will always fight for you.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Too Much

Too insecure, too bold.
Too soft, too loud.
Too needy, too strong.
Staying with the ebb and tide,
Unsatisfied with the status quo.
Too conforming, too demanding.
Too forward, too concealing.
Too sensitive, too apathetic.
On fire but exhausted,
So lonely but so proud.

Boxes, cages, little labels.
Rules, laws, little expectations.
We are humanity.
We like to be in charge of our destinies,
Control our lives.
We want perfection,
We desire happiness.
But we do it wrong.
We only want so much of this and so much of that.
And sometimes you are extreme for me.
And sometimes my not enough is still too much for you.
Can only take so much.
So we draw out lines and use cookie cutters.
Demanding of ourselves and everyone around us -
"Fit this standard.
Mold or you don't belong.
Yield or you are a sinner."
Some of us like to play the victim,
some the prosecutor,
some the judge,
but we are all the guilty one.
We demand ways of life.
Either on ourselves or on others.
Those who demand of us hurt us.
Those who demand of themselves are hurt.
We who demand of us hurt us.
We who demand of others hurt them.
"Too much! Too much!" We are all screaming.
But 'intense' and 'faint' are both a part of life.
Sometimes a whisper is needed, sometimes a shout.
It has always been too much or not enough with humanity.
Are we so self centered that we cannot understand a simple truth -

You are who you are,
I am who I am,
Sometimes I am too much for you,
sometime you are too much for me.
But I promise you this:
If I respect you and you respect me,
If you let me live and I let you be,
If live one way and you another,
If the vegan gal is okay with me eating bacon around her,
While I do not berate her choices though they seem extreme to me,
(and this was only one example)
Then though we may never find equilibrium while on this earth,
at least we can abide together,
and learn and grow in life,
Intense together.
Uniquely beautiful.
Give me hot or give me cold.
Be too much.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Hope (A Verbal Painting)

A lone candle...burning in a dark room...its light beckoning you to stand in the rays of its tiny flame.
A trickle of water...splashing droplets over a trellis into a dry stone jar...a dipper ladle waiting on the edge for you to take it up and taste.
A beam of sunlight...peeking through the mountains...dawn's ray caressing your cheek after a sleepless night.
A warrior...battle scarred...returning home to beloved family.
A destitute child...body worn and hungry...looking up at you with smiling eyes...happy to be alive.

The flame blown out.
The rain stops too soon.
The day doesn't last.
The warrior has to leave for another war.
The child falls ill.

The shadows draw close.
The ground dries and dust fills the air.
Nightmares claim the night.
Fear grips the warrior.
The child cannot breathe.

An ember.
A droplet.
A glimmer.
A song.
A breath.

And then you see it.

Flames and Water and Light and a Dove and Wind.

The Spirit.

Bringer of Hope.