Monday, September 23, 2013

The Child is a Warrior

Sparkling eyes, shining hair
A smile from ear to ear
A giggle, then a laugh
Playful and full of youth
So childlike in demeanor
So naïve and innocent.
A young woman that could charm the world if she realized herself.
She did not ever ask to be loved
She never asked for friends
She is satisfied with life
Takes things as they come
Not easily angered, not easily broken
Sings in the morning, dances in the evening
Goes to work and works hard
Performs to the best if her ability.
She has friends on every side - even in the unlikeliest of places.
Everyone around her would protect her if she knew danger.
She is a princess of the common
Trusting and loyal
Eager to help
Recognizes her faults and weaknesses
Admits her mistakes.
You could say that she loves the whole world
Embraces it as a child.
Would you have her as a friend?
Would you love her as family?
She would of you, though she has been betrayed.
She would of you, though she has been broken.
She would of you, though she has been hurt.
That is her strength.
She comes back, healed,
Even after many have taken advantage of her apparent naiveté.
But would you know
She sees the evils of the world.
She has felt the poison.
She has tasted sin.
And loves you the same.
That is her power.
That is her glory.
That is her crown on this earth.
She carries within her the child-innocence.
And the knowledge of good and evil.
Admits where she came from.
Her evil beginnings.
Then tells you of the redemption.
The Love that set her free
And fills her to this day.
She is a woman without. A child within.
But the child is a warrior.

A warrior of the love of the Light.
A warrior of the King of Kings.
A warrior of prayer and testimony.
A warrior of The First Lover.
A warrior of Jesus.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Twelve Months

January - the month of our new year.
     A month of new beginnings. Impulsiveness and snow.

February – the month of routine.
     A month of getting into the grind, and yet spring is coming. Love and first flowers.

March – the month of youth.
     A month of rebellion and loss of trust. But spring is finally here.

April – the month of laughter.
     A month of taxes and roses. Irony and wisdom.

May – the month of truth.
     A month of spring breaks and graduations. Change of pace and life.

June – the month of fluidity.
     A month of water-fights and vacations. Hard work and travel.

July – the month of independence.
     A month of hot days and short nights. Speed-driving and occupation.

August – the month of restart.
     A month of more school and career choice. Hot weather and shopping.

September – the month of uneasiness.
     A month of fairs and the circus. Masks, games, war, and unpredictable weather.

October – the month of harvest.
     A month of pumpkins and warm colors. Festivals and enjoyment of life.

November – the month of preparation.
     A month of rain and frost. Saving money, investing in talents.

December – the month of Presence.
     A month of apple cider and popcorn. Cold death outside and Hope in A New Life.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

You're More Important

You're More Important
A poem for a friend

If you ever need a hand to hold
A voice of encouragement
Or someone silent to let you mourn
Just say my name - look me in the eye.
If you ever need help to work something out
A voice of reason
Or someone silent to let you be you
I'm just a call away.
I will serve gladly as a friend in God.
We share the same love.
The love that says others first.
I'd sacrifice everything for you
Give up my happiness for yours
Give up my life so your special someone goes on living,
Forget the time of day to answer your questions
Help you carry loads and finish tasks
Cheer you on to achieve and become greater.
You are the friend I can always count on
The one I've always admired.
It's a mentality - here I am
Because you're more important than me.

There's been a misunderstanding between you and me
Rumors going around - the way I feel about you
And not a word what you think of me.
For a while I proclaimed the rumor and denied the lie
But in truth it's really neither one
I'm not crushing nor see you as just a friend
What's really there is better than you know.
I've been reading my heart
Checking it twice.
No obsession but you're in my prayers
There's no denial that I care.
I've been wishing you success
And hoping you're never sick or hurt
I kiss you as a brother
Love you as a best friend would.
And if you find that special someone
Instead of choosing me
Don't you know that I'll be
The first to send my congrats
And give you the support you need
Because you're more important than me.

Can I make it any clearer?
Must I say it? Yes. I love you.
Is that so hard to understand?
It shouldn't make you uneasy.
There is always someone who makes a way for us
There is a higher devotion
There is a Rock so strong it can't break
There is a Word so sacred it can't be spoken
A higher, greater love.
To look on the other as better.
To see beyond the body to the center.
To deny chemistry to touch the heart.
To reach past the material to the soul,
Offer the love that is overflowing yet not even mine.
Because my sin is washed away
Because I am forgiven
Because I am healed
Because I was first loved
Loved by a Love that died and said to the whole world -
Because you're more important to Me.