Saturday, February 9, 2013

What Is a Blog?

     What is a blog? I have been informed that "blog" means "web-log." Simply put, an internet journal. I suppose that is what it indeed is for me. I put down whatever comes to mind. And the software remembers at exactly what time I "posted."
     So I guess you could say that this is my public diary. But I shall put down more than just random musings about every subject I have something to say about. And I certainly won't ramble about the stupid little problems and tiny bits of fun in my normal life.
     I am a storyteller. If I do ever write about something in my life, I'll probably end up dressing it up. As someone once said (I can't remember who right now, I'm also paraphrasing this), "You tell someone something about your life and they don't believe it. Make anything up however, and they will treat it like it actually happened to you."
     So. Blogger I have become. I have things in my head and I never bothered to Put It Down until now. I'm here and I'm speaking (well, typing) my mind.

Silver Line

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