As I sit in a restaurant watching people go by, eavesdropping on the conversations of a young man and woman in front of me and three men in business suits behind me, I marvel again at humanity. We are unique. Each and every person in different. But at the end of the day, we are all the same. Forget age, gender, looks. See the heart. We all choose at some point or another (some more than others) to waste time doing something "fun." We all have wants and ways to get what we want. We all form opinions and beliefs. We all worry about what others think of us. We all wonder where we're going to be after death. It's called human nature. "I think, therefore I am."
It takes time to learn anything. Some things we learn in time, some things through experience, and some things we never learn at all. Does the fact that I have not yet learned some things that most have already learned make me any less human? No. Does the fact that I know and understand things that few my own age can say the same of themselves make me better than they? No. I have always learned on my own time and always will. I am still human. I am not "greater than thou." And I never claim to be.
Then why am I treated differently? Am I offensive? Intimidating? Perhaps. Some people found, and still find, the name of Jesus offensive. When he walked the earth, a lot of people thought he was offensive. A problem. He challenged authority, exposed the dark in people's lives, cut through to the heart of every subject, tore away every lie. Caused trouble. Jesus was offensive.
What about me? I say weird things, make people feel awkward. I am brutally honest, telling the truth even when it hurts. Am I offensive? Perhaps. Some people found, and still find Jesus offensive. He healed the sick, the lame, the leper. Fed the hungry and hungry heart. But refused to give in to the words of the leaders of the day. Refused to let them come close. So they killed him. Jesus was offensive.
What about me? I have strange opinions. I sometimes behave like a little kid, sometimes like a queen. I care for the friend and stranger alike. I am a vulnerable heart where most spend years building fences and walls to protect themselves from hurting. My childlike openness scares people. They don't know what to do with me. Am I offensive? It sure seems that way.
They say youth and wisdom don't go together. Am I young? Indeed. Younger than most people realize. Am I wise? No. I certainly don't think so. I'm simply vulnerable. I am offensive. Perhaps it is because people just don't know what to do with me, so they befriend me, but never let me in all the way. I am part of them and still an outsider.
Or perhaps it is because they can see the name of Jesus written on my heart. It is human nature to avoid what is offensive.
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