Friday, January 2, 2015

Breathe (A Poem - Discourse)

"Would it be that I were to know patience,
To face the world with courage,
To walk away from all the glitter and shine.
Would it be to never pace the room,
To never worry again.
Would it be that I were grown.

Would it be that I could truly understand love,
To be satisfied with being loved,
To keep myself from growing cold.
Would it be to never be alone,
To never let others be lonely.
Would it be that I were grown."

Breathe little bird,
Taste this good air.
Breathe little one,
Enjoy growing older and living and learning.
Is it not enough to be alive?
Becoming does not fix it all.
Breathe little bird,
Feel the breeze against your wings.
Breathe little one,
Soon enough you will fly.

"Can't I fly now?
Oh can't I fly now?
Why must I wait?"

Breathe little sparrow,
Breathe little mockingbird.
See the ground below?
See the sky beyond?
Only when you are ready will you see it all.
Understand that time has not yet come.
But that time will never come if you are too quick.
Rush, and you will never truly live.
Breathe little bird.
Becoming does not fix it all.

"It is not enough just living.
I grow tired of the wait.
Am I not ready?
Another day falls asleep
And so must I.
Must I die before I truly live?"

You forget little bird,
True life is beyond the grave.
This life
Facing the ground and sky
And sea and wind,
Is only a breath to God in time.
So breathe little one.
Is it not enough to be alive?
Breathe my child.
Soon enough you will fly.

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