Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Dandelion...A Pondering

     Ugh. There's that flower again. Grows where it's not wanted. A hundred tiny yellow petals on a tough stem and surrounded by large jagged leaves. The dandelion. Such a weird flower. Turns into a white puffball of parachute seeds when it gets old and blows away in the wind. Make a wish.
     Taraxacum, the edible wildflower. Endive, lion's-tooth, Irish daisy, milk-witch, cankerwort. That funny weed-thing that grows in your yard, on the side of the road, in the flower beds. Grows where it's not wanted. Animals eat it. People pick it and clean it and cook it into meals and brew it into tea and use it in wine. The entire plant is full of medicinal properties. Old religions claimed it was a gift from the sun - bright, cheerful, and healing.
     The weed of fortune. Such a weird flower. Believed that if you blew on the puffball, it could tell you how many years it would take for your "true love" to come by how many times you had to blow all the seeds off the head, and the direction the seeds caught on the wind would tell you where your fortune would come from. Make a wish.
     A survival flower. No matter how many times you pluck it, run it over, spray it with weed-killer, it grows back, nearly as resilient as grass. It can grow where you least expect it (wherever one of the fluffy seeds lands) and some species of it don't even need pollination to create seeds. And yet it has such an unassuming appearance with its soft, tiny petals and tasty leaves. But still it grows and spreads.
     I believe some people are dandelions. They show up when and where we least expect them. They seem unassuming and we treat them unfairly, even regard them as wastes of time and friendship. And yet those who do bother with the flower, are benefited by them and learn to appreciate them. Yes, perhaps some people are like dandelions.
     There's that flower again. Grows where it's not wanted. Such a weird flower. Make a wish.

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