Monday, July 21, 2014

Hold Me Forever

a prayer

Lord I love You
and You've given me love on this Earth.
The joy I feel when he holds me close
is a joy I never want to be without.
The thrill, the jumping heartbeat
every time he touches me
is something I hope will never fade.
Lord I love You
and You've given me a blessing in a wonderful man.
I crave his voice, his hold.
I long for him to take me home
and love me forever.
But then troubles come
and doubts rise in my mind.
I forget what he's like
when pain comes
and I struggle to stand on my own.
And I realize that You are the answer I seek.
If we are a part of Your plan,
You will see it to its end.
If it is him I am waiting for,
I must trust in You.
I love him.
But Lord I love You more.
I know You will hold me forever.
Give me strength and patience,
and if we are a part of Your plan,
You will see it completed.
I want him to hold me forever.
In the end You are the answer.
Tell me if he will hold me forever.
In Your Name.
Amen. So let it be.

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