Monday, July 28, 2014

I Dream Again

     A lone tree. It is old and yet it is young. I saw the hill on which it stands before it grew there. I felt the grass at its base. The tree was planted by two young lovers. A promise made. The years flew by, the tree grew. Now it stands tall, strong, and thick.
     A lone man. He's standing there beneath the branches of the tree. Leaning against its trunk. One hand is in his pocket, the other holding his large phone with the glowing screen, his thumb touching and sliding back and forth across it. His mind is on something else, not really paying attention to what's in his hand.
     But the image is wrong in my mind. The man I see is young and the tree is old. Yet the same man planted that tree. What can it mean?
     The tree is love.
     Two lovers kneeling down in prayer on top of the hill, hand in hand, discovered a tiny mustard seed.
     They planted it, watered it, and came back every day to tend it.
     And it grew. A mighty tree, from a tiny beginning.
     And the man?
     I see him young because that is how he is now. He is in Time. The tree is out of Time. The tree is in Eternity yet I see him leaning against it? How can this be?
     Because part of him is in Eternity as well.
     As am I.
     The tree is ours. In the future and now.
     I see it because it may be.
     It might become.
     I dreamed again.
     It is a wonderful dream, and its meaning came while I still saw it unfold. Unlike my first dream of this kind.
     The first I do not share. Not yet. It is still unclear to me. But this, this I will tell. This story is beautiful with no uncertainties except the possibility that it might not be or perhaps it will. But that choice is only partially mine.
     I still await on the meaning of the first dream.
     But my constant pleading with God to explain the first to me is soothed for the time being with this new dream. And the hope...
     Maybe I will dream again.

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