Wednesday, May 21, 2014

In Time

     Just recently I was told to slow down, take my time at life. Told that I was young and would have more chances in the future. But right now all I want is some quality time. To walk side by side, enjoying good conversation or even silence. Would you deny me this? When all around me everyone is busy on their electronic devices and I have the opportunity to put it away?
     Yes, it's small now, but it could grow. Let me spend time with this person. Give me the knowledge and understanding. This may be the one to change my life. I'm not looking for more opportunities in the future. I'm looking for the opportunity. Social media causes people to not know how to behave when the time comes. Movies tell a different story than reality. A person's whole life can be read in a novel in two hours. And you want me to hold still?
     All my life I've learned things the hard way. Now I want to learn something new. I will fly or I will fall. Neither will happen if I just stand still and let the world spin on around me. Deny me the chance to walk side by side with someone and you deny me one day it becoming walking hand in hand.
     I know my own boundary lines. I know now what I like and don't like, what I want in comparison to what's good for me. I know now the things I will do and won't do. I've always done things at my own pace. I am an independent spirit. There is only one I change my rhythm for and that is God. So let me learn the passing of the sands of time.

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