Saturday, May 10, 2014

Magic Moments

     There are times in everyone's life where a delightful moment seems frozen in time. A memory not easily shaken. The beauty of a landscape. The laughter of a child. Giving a much-needed gift. Holding someone's hand. Receiving the surprise of your life. The joy of an amusement park or curling up somewhere to rest after weeks of endless work. Something happens where the timing is just right. And it seems like magic.
     And we remember it. Is it because we have to, to make it through this life? Or is it simply because it leaves such a lasting impression? I have the same recall of four hours of long hard work as I have of a four minute walk down the street with someone that matters to me. One I look back on with relief it's over, the latter I can't believe it only lasted that long and wish I could relive that moment. And I do. In my mind. Closing my eyes, seeing again every detail, storing it away. It was not an intended or planned moment. And yet the timing could not have been better. That's what makes it so special.
     Who are we to remember those magic moments? Animals recall patterns, repeats. But us, we do something out of the ordinary or something that means something to us, it is seared into our minds. Are we all scribes, chroniclers at heart? Do we live to make those memories so that the seemingly pointless human life has something to look back upon when facing despair? Or is it because of a God who knows every hair on our heads and sees every moment of our lives and calls us special? Would it be that when history falls apart and the world cast on the edge of destruction, the Redeemer shall appear? Tell me that some moments are not magic then.
     Tell me that the times you wish would never end are no longer there. Tell me that all the times you laughed out of sheer delight do not mean anything anymore. Tell me that you are unloved, forgotten, neglected - and you never smile when a rainbow comes around after the rain. The magic moments are there. Just trust in God and your days will fill with magic moments.
     Sing hallelujah, we have been given blessing upon blessing. Shall we remember them?

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