Monday, September 22, 2014


When two lovers promise forever,
Do they understand?
Do they know just what they mean?
When I nodded my head,
Gave my assent,
Let him put the ring on my finger,
Told him I belonged to him,
And he replied he belonged to me
And we agreed:
I knew what was meant.

They do not know what forever means,
Who say it is a place,
Who look Heavenward.
They do not know what forever means,
Who live for their one life,
Who deny Redeeming Grace.
They do not know what forever means,
Who cross their hearts,
Offering only human love.

Forever is Eternal,
Forever is beyond life and beyond death,
Forever is when you've hit the bottom of the well,
And suddenly God gives you wings to fly.
Forever faces the world,
And goes on.
When you promise to love forever,
Be careful that you understand.
Forever is a way of living,
Forever is a state of being.
Forever must be a promise unbroken.
Forever is love
It is peace
It is trust
It is understanding.
Forever is but a word pointing to something greater.
Forever cannot be described
It cannot be painted
It cannot be offered on a tray.
Forever can only be given by God,
Ordained by the Father,
Made possible by Jesus,
Lived through the Spirit.

Only he who walks the path of the righteous,
who is redeemed by the blood of the Son of God,
knows what forever means.
And when he's found that special woman,
And looks deeply into her eyes,
Forgives her of all her weaknesses and faults,
Can he truly promise forever.

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