Saturday, June 29, 2013

I Want To Be...

I want to be a Deborah
     and lead when called upon.
I want to be a Hannah
     and dedicate what is given me.
I want to be a Gomer
     and return to the Forgiver.
I want to be a Mary
     and accept the Lord's decree.

I want to be a Rebekah
     and be chosen by God.
I want to be a Ziporah
     and to endure criticism.
I want to be a Ruth
     and blossom among strangers.
I want to be a Naomi
     and aid those who need.

I want to be a Martha
     and to be corrected.
I want to be a Priscilla
     and share in the ministry.
I want to be a Nympha
     and to be hospitable.
I want to be an Esther
     and do what is right.

I want to be a Queen of Sheba
     and seek out the wise.
I want to be an Elizabeth
     and be honored by a special visit.
I want to be an Anna
     and behold a miracle.
I want to be a Magdalene
     and be truly rescued.

But most of all...

I want to be me
     and find God's purpose for me.
I want to be me
     and learn His Plan.
I want to be me
     and never leave His side.
I want to be me
     and become all the good things of the women of the past.

I want to be a woman after God's own heart
With my own place and purpose in this world.
I want to be the me that God means for me to be
With my life's path leading to where I'm supposed to go...

I want to be the me that God sees.

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