Monday, September 22, 2014


When two lovers promise forever,
Do they understand?
Do they know just what they mean?
When I nodded my head,
Gave my assent,
Let him put the ring on my finger,
Told him I belonged to him,
And he replied he belonged to me
And we agreed:
I knew what was meant.

They do not know what forever means,
Who say it is a place,
Who look Heavenward.
They do not know what forever means,
Who live for their one life,
Who deny Redeeming Grace.
They do not know what forever means,
Who cross their hearts,
Offering only human love.

Forever is Eternal,
Forever is beyond life and beyond death,
Forever is when you've hit the bottom of the well,
And suddenly God gives you wings to fly.
Forever faces the world,
And goes on.
When you promise to love forever,
Be careful that you understand.
Forever is a way of living,
Forever is a state of being.
Forever must be a promise unbroken.
Forever is love
It is peace
It is trust
It is understanding.
Forever is but a word pointing to something greater.
Forever cannot be described
It cannot be painted
It cannot be offered on a tray.
Forever can only be given by God,
Ordained by the Father,
Made possible by Jesus,
Lived through the Spirit.

Only he who walks the path of the righteous,
who is redeemed by the blood of the Son of God,
knows what forever means.
And when he's found that special woman,
And looks deeply into her eyes,
Forgives her of all her weaknesses and faults,
Can he truly promise forever.

Friday, September 19, 2014

A Real Princess

For all the girls out there who are princesses
and all the boys who will grow up to marry them.
Read with caution, read in peace.

There was once a little girl.
And she was in every way a princess.
She loved to laugh, to sing, to dance. She loved her daddy, loved her mommy.
All the adults around her treated her wonderfully. They taught her how to behave and be a lady, gave her gifts and clothes and dresses, gave her love and support, and always protected her in such a way that she got plenty of freedom but never was hurt by the evils of the world.
Then she got a little bit older.
And she was schooled and taught responsibilities and told about the bad things in the world and the things one must ever do. Her life was still wonderful. She came to know good friends (some better than others) and learned how to be a good friend herself.
Then she became a teenager.
And she began to realize the complications of growing up. All the "social norms" and expectations of young women and young men. She learned about life and trust and communication and understanding. New people, different people came into her life. She began to love parties and activities. Started being noticed by boys and noticing back. Her parents and adult friends still guarded her and her life was still good. They taught her about money and possessions and she learned to enjoy things in life but not to want to be rich. They gave her wisdom and knowledge. She tried so very hard at being a good friend and a good daughter, while learning who she was and her place in the world. At seventeen she wrote a book and started to work a job at a store, growing up, making decisions on her career and her future. No damsel in distress she would be, but a head-strong princess.
Then she made a choice.
She loved someone, but was not loved back. It broke her heart and she swore she would never love again.
In her depression and desperation, the seventeen year old young woman went out with the first man who asked her if she wanted to go on a date. And was exposed to the evils of the world. And she liked it. Enjoyed it even.
The princess was shown darkness and power - the power of the world and she realized she could become a terrible queen with many men and people beneath her feet. The temptation was strong and she deceived herself into thinking she could do it all without her parents notice or permission.
So, her self-training began.
She lied to herself, her parents, everyone. They still saw a good princess, but inside she followed the ways of the evil world, did things no one should ever do.
Then her parents found out.
They brought her home, though she continued to lie, kick and scream against them. She saw a cage instead of the beautiful home she actually lived in. In her anger and loss of all that she knew, she almost killed herself.
But she did not.
She could not bring herself to end her life.
For you see, this particular princess could see things that others could not. She had a gift of vision. As long as God allowed her to see the spark within herself, she could not raise the knife to her heart or the gun to her head. Jesus had given her the ability to see the silver lining, the hope, the life, the love that God puts there in all things. He told her that He was saving her for something special, that a real man would come to love her and marry her. Though the world had taught her lust, God taught her love and forgiveness. She had been raised a princess, and Jesus saved a princess.
From that point on, she worked hard. She pledged to herself and God that she would live as a career girl and working-class woman. She would be busy while she waited...waited for the change of life. Yes, the real change had happened in her heart and soul, but then she waited for God's guidance.
Not long after that, the princess met a young man. They started a relationship under her parents' supervision. And they grew closer together and grew to love one another. He was not perfect, but then again neither was she. But when he asked her to marry him, she knew the answer. Yes. Yes, she would be his princess for life.
She promised him that she would be poor if he was poor, that wherever he would go she would follow, that she would support him and take care of him and love him for the rest of her days. She saw dark times ahead, but she was finally ready for them. She knew that the bad and the upsetting moments would come and go because God was on their side. She knew that a real princess doesn't care about gold and jewels and dresses and pets and fun times. She understood that a real princess works hard and plays harder, gives all she is and more, loves unconditionally and yet protects herself while waiting for her protector and lover. She understood that if God approves of a marriage, and they trust in Him, it lasts to the end of time. She made the commitment in her heart and waited for the wedding day to make the commitment with her body and soul.

That story is my story.
Silver Line

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Shadow's Song

Dusk and dawn, through all the day,
the creeping smoke over men holds sway
darkness does not keep its own
waiting not 'til the north wind's blown.

I hear their voices, I hear their call,
I see their terrible figures all,
they take on cloaks of glory and disguise
hiding away, preying on the fool and the wise.

I know the song, I know it well.
once in their camp, mine own heart did dwell.
We all have made our way through their place.
The shadows cling to all of the human race.

All have fallen victim, all have suffered pains.
All have wrought their own demise, wrapped themselves in chains.
Foul I was, 'til the Savior's loving light,
brought me from the pit and gave me His Spirit's sight.

I look upon the world and see
dying lands, turning in their agony.
Believing they seek power and happiness
Singing the song that makes one worthless.

I met a man who was like myself, my own,
Who stood upon the threshold, violence clearly shown.
We were as one, committed trespasses, gloried in our sin.
We had faced the same evil, nurtured from within.

Echoing on, through all of time itself,
The shadows march whispering, "humans listen to yourself,
You know what you want, we will show you the ways
To make your life complete, filling all your days."

But lied they have, lie they will.
They make monsters of us all, and seek to corrupt us still.
They're jealous of the Lord's creation, jealous of all He holds dear,
So they twist the truth, tossing forth rumors, temptations and fear.

Listen not to them, listen not to your wretched heart,
Listen only to His voice, realize you once more may start.
Begin again, in joy and in purity,
Grow in God's hope, His light, and you'll find maturity.

His love is eternal, sing His song and you will live
So much longer than any shadow could ever give.
They seek your death, He will give you life forever,
Confess and repent, and your chains He will sever.

You'll find the wings that fly beyond life's only shore
And the reason for living His Call forevermore
You'll find new life, joyful and strong.
Once you have broken from the shadow's song.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

These Bands on Our Fingers

These bands on our fingers
The choice has been made,
The promise given,
Not complete but one day soon.
A shared bond
To be fulfilled.
I will never finish loving him.
I have promised myself to him alone.
My heart is his,
His heart is mine.
These bands on our fingers on display.
We are bound together.
A circle unbroken
A symbol of our love
Goes on forever.
Our lives are entwined.
Our minds though separate flow together.
Our hearts are shared.
Our souls are committed to God.
We will be as one.
We made the choice.
Soon the deed will be signed.
Soon the ceremony seen through.
These bands on our fingers
Reminders of our decision.
These bands on our fingers
For all to see our commitment.
These bands on our fingers
Of who we are.
And who we will be to the end of our days.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Eyes of My Love

I tilt my head back to see his face.
And I look into the eyes of a forest.
So deep, so mysterious. Or is he?
I know his life.
What he's done, what he's gone through.
His pain, his guilt, his joy, his happiness.
I know him.
And still I am transfixed by his gaze.
They say look into an abyss and you will see yourself.
At first I believe it.
I too faced the same darkness as he.
I too loved and did not deserve.
But then I wonder,
Is he an abyss?
Another shade personified seeking to consume me?
A chasm so dark and deep I see nothing
Nothing but myself reflected there.
Everything I once was
Everything I desired
Everything I suffered
Everything I overcame
Everything I look past
And everything I am in my life made new.
Is he but a mirror,
Twisting my reflection.
Distorting the true image.
I shake away the nightmares
And look at him once more.
And I see a youth.
Once a slave of shadow
Now rescued and on the brink of becoming man
Or falling once more.
I walked this road
God alone to help me through it.
I look at him and I see myself.
And I know.
God placed me in his life to be there for him.
Regardless of how life will be.
Regardless of what the future holds.
I will show him how to fly
And he will either try to shoot me down
Or we will fly together forever.
I will spread my wings
And he will pluck my hope away
Or he too will rise to fly.
I will be vulnerable to him.
I will love him.
And it will either bring me to ruin,
Or us both to glory.
I have made my choice,
Looking into that forest.
Adventure awaits there.
Will it be a sad sad story,
Or will it be one to bring hope?
Will it be another cautionary tale,
Or one worth praying for?
Fear, plague me no more.
Boldly do I stand.
This is the life I have chosen.
Robbers or Robin Hood
Monsters or fairies
Witches or unicorns
Trolls or centaurs
There is magic there.
No wonder I can't stop looking at him.
I have made my choice.
There is something waiting for me
Deep in the woods.
I will not look back.
I will not turn away from the forest.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Soon, was the promise.
An echo in my memory.
The King promising to bring His chosen to me.
The love of my life,
And I was to wait.
The King told me soon he would come.
And He kept His word.
But it still seemed long.
Three years it was before he came.
I did not wait.
I grew impatient, loved another.
And almost gave myself to still another.
But now he is here.
Soon, was the promise.
The King brought him to me at last.
But now that we are pledged
I find the passion inside
That I had so carefully guarded
Growing stronger
Longing to break free.
My lover held me
but would not take me.
Not yet. Not yet.
He was strong where I was weak.
But is it so wrong to desire your future?
Is it so wrong to want to see my love to fulfillment?
To feel his arms gently push me back,
to tell me to wait for the embrace I long for.
Soon, was the promise.
I see the time ahead drawing closer.
Where once all was hazy,
Now I can see it in the distance.
Not there yet. Soon.
Yet this was the same word given me by the King.
He Who calls all times Soon.
Oh Patience, why do you run from me?
Don't you see that I need you now?
This chapter is drawing to a close.
Do not let me skip one page.
Not one page. Not one line.
However much my patience draws thin,
I will hold on.
This is my life. I cannot rush through it.
I will wait for him.
Like sand through the hourglass,
A pebble, a deed must be done.
The timing must be right.
Day by day, little by little.
I see him.
Our day, our lives as one draw near. Not yet.