Creature of fire, standing in the night,
Alone, lonely, tired, weary.
Creature of fire, wings heavy,
Stumbling along the road.
She had been burning bright, growing,
Learning how to control some of her emotions.
She had been flying high, far, and fast,
Singing in strength and pride.
But the clouds in the sky grew dark,
Looming closer to her.
She flew on, oblivious perhaps,
Or maybe stubborn against the future.
Her happiness was strong, her persistence continued,
But within she knew something was wrong.
God sent the winds to blow the clouds closer,
And she felt the first drops of rain.
Steam arose, giving her pain,
She avoided the water, trying to fly around it.
God assured her the pain would not last,
But she must first fly through the dark and the rain.
Still she recoiled, remembering the last time she met the rain,
Remembering just how much it hurt.
She was tired of it following her,
Tired of facing it over and over again.
She saw no end, could not see beyond the rain,
Did not understand why she must endure it any longer.
So she chose to dive into the storm,
To fight no matter how much it hurt her.
But still she feared, still she trembled.
The last few storms she had faced had nearly destroyed her,
How could she do it again?
God reassured her, reminded her that every time she came out,
She had learned, grew, became stronger.
And He had been there for her, comforted her,
Held her and guided her and provided for her through it all.
He told her to believe Him again,
To not be afraid, and to trust Him once more.
She curled up at the edge of the storm,
Wanting to fight, not just fly.
He gently picked her up, telling her that she was not to fight,
That He will bring His warriors.
And she must fly to bring them hope.
And she must fly to show them the strength of love.
Alone, lonely, tired, weary.
Creature of fire, wings heavy,
Stumbling along the road.
She had been burning bright, growing,
Learning how to control some of her emotions.
She had been flying high, far, and fast,
Singing in strength and pride.
But the clouds in the sky grew dark,
Looming closer to her.
She flew on, oblivious perhaps,
Or maybe stubborn against the future.
Her happiness was strong, her persistence continued,
But within she knew something was wrong.
God sent the winds to blow the clouds closer,
And she felt the first drops of rain.
Steam arose, giving her pain,
She avoided the water, trying to fly around it.
God assured her the pain would not last,
But she must first fly through the dark and the rain.
Still she recoiled, remembering the last time she met the rain,
Remembering just how much it hurt.
She was tired of it following her,
Tired of facing it over and over again.
She saw no end, could not see beyond the rain,
Did not understand why she must endure it any longer.
So she chose to dive into the storm,
To fight no matter how much it hurt her.
But still she feared, still she trembled.
The last few storms she had faced had nearly destroyed her,
How could she do it again?
God reassured her, reminded her that every time she came out,
She had learned, grew, became stronger.
And He had been there for her, comforted her,
Held her and guided her and provided for her through it all.
He told her to believe Him again,
To not be afraid, and to trust Him once more.
She curled up at the edge of the storm,
Wanting to fight, not just fly.
He gently picked her up, telling her that she was not to fight,
That He will bring His warriors.
And she must fly to bring them hope.
And she must fly to show them the strength of love.